Modem | SBS Technologies | Er Abdul Basit

Basic Internet Terminology 


Modem is special device that performs two different operation Modulation and Demodulation. 

Process performed by the modem 
  • Modulation
  • Demodulation 
When Digital data are to be sent over telephone lines , digital signal is converted into analog is know as Modulation (Performed at Sender Side).

The reverse process .i.e. The conversion of analog signal into its digital form at destination device is called Demodulation (Performed at Receiver Side).

Modem is also known as Modulator and Demodulator. 

Anatomy of Internet | SBS Technologies | Er Abdul Basit

 Anatomy of Internet 

Internet outlines the following major components 

  • Internet Services

Internet is a combination of many networks and a large number of database and other services. The Major Services offered on internet are:

    • Electronic Mail: All you need is someone's address and you send him or her all sort of things i.e. Documents, Picture, Videos, Audios etc.
    • Telnet: It allows you to connect and log into a remote computer.
    • FTP: File Transfer Protocol lets you transfer files from one computer on the Internet to another. 
    • World Wide Web: (WWW, W3, Web) It is not a tool, program or service, but a way of viewing and accessing the internet.
    • Usenet: It is a System of discussion group in which individual articles are distributed throughout the world.
    • Archie: It lets you search the Archives file accessible by anonymous FTP. You give the complete or partial name of a file and archie returns the Internet address and location of files.
    • WAIS: It Stands for Wide Area Information Server. It is client -server text searching system to search index database on remote computers. 

  • Elements of Internet 
Internet includes client PCs, Servers and Networks 
    • Clients PCs: These are the computers that request information from server. Client computers typically maintain part time connections.
    • Server Computers: these are relatively computers with full - time internet connection and can provide can provide data to the clients computers relatively.
    • Network: These are composed of one or more server computers and several client PCs.
    • Nodes: Node is a generic term used to describe a client, server or network.
  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

URL are the unique address of internet resource. 
A URL is divided into 4 parts
    • Transfer/ Protocol
    • Sub Domain
    • Domain
    • Server
    • Directory Path
    • File Name  
  • Internet Protocol (IP) 
Internet Protocol is a method by which data is sent from one computer to another over the network.

Internet Technology | SBS Technologies | Er Abdul Basit


Internet is a global connecting millions of computers

·         It is a network of networks.

·         It is the name for a vast, worldwide system consisting of people, Information and computers.

·         It is an unlimited commercial opportunity.

·         It cyber space where data surfing can be done.

·         It is an ocean of information.

·         It is a worldwide interconnected system of thousands of computer’s together.

2.       Growth of internet.

The internet started in a U.S Government project in the year 1960s called the ARPANET after the Advanced Research projects agency which supervised it in the beginning. The ARPANET reached universities, research laboratories and some military labs.

In the late 1980s the National Science Foundation of U.S funded the development of a network, named NSFNET to connect super computer centers in the US. Many College and universities are encouraged to connect to that network. This large worldwide collection of networks and computer systems communicating according to the same protocols has to be what is called the internet.

In 1990 ARPANET was dismantled, and the public network in US was turned over to NSFNET. In early the 1990s, Commercial networks with their own internet exchange or gateway were allowed to conduct business on the internet and in 1993 the NSF created the inter NIC to provide Internet Services.

3.       Owner of Internet

No one person, company, institute, or government organization owns the Internet. No one source foots the bill for it. No one entity governs it, or even has a controlling interest. The Internet is truly a collaborative, collective enterprise.


There are a handful of organizations that are truly influential and that taken together from a sort of checks-and-balances system:

·         The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets the standard from HTML and other specifies of the Web.

·         The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) focuses on the evolution of the internet with specific eye towards keeping the internet running smoothly as a whole.

·         The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) is a related organization responsible for managing IETF activities and the Internet standards process.

·         The Internet Architectures Board (IAB) is responsible for responsible for defining the overall architecture of the Internet (The backbone and all the networks attached to it), providing guidance and board direction to the IETF.

·         The Internet Society (ISOC) is a supervisory organization made up of individuals, Corporations, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies from the internet community. The group comments on internet policies and practices and oversees a number of other boards and task force including the IAB and IESG dealing with internet policy issues.

·         The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) and the internet Network Information Centre (InterNIC) lead the organization responsible for assigning IP addresses and domain names, respectively.       

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